Contingent Convertible Bonds
Contingent convertible bonds, known as “CoCos” or “CoCo bonds”, are bonds issued by a bank or an insurance company that convert into common equity, or are subject to a write-down, at pre-specified trigger levels as soon as the bank enters a life-threatening situation. Conversion, or the write-down, happens via a predefined trigger mechanism, e.g., when core Tier-1 capital (CT1) falls below five percent. READ ARTICLE
Myron S. Scholes Preface to EoRM
I think that the concept of the Crouhy, Galai and Mark book on The$ Essentials of Risk Management is brilliant. In my career as an academic and in investment management, I found that there is too large a separation between the technocrats who build risk?management models and systems and those who should be using them. READ ARTICLE
Insuring vs Self insuring OpRisk
Operation Risk refers to low-frequency, high-severity, events that threaten the solvency of a bank and contribute to the tail of its loss distribution. Operational risk is unlike market and credit risk; by assuming more of it, a financial firm cannot expect to generate higher returns. READ ARTICLE
Making Risk Transparent
Regulators and rating agencies have worked to make the risk of financial firms transparent to key stakeholders. A key challenge has been to benchmark the quality of a risk management programme in terms of both a risk governance perspective as well as the value-add that such a programme provides for revenue-generating business units READ ARTICLE
Changing the Narrative
Managing Risk in the Era of Fintech. A presentation by Dr. Bob Mark Managing Partner Black Diamond Risk Enterprises. Thomas Day Managing Director Price Waterhouse Coopers. Steve Lindo Principal, SRL Advisory Services. READ ARTICLE
Sébastien Lleo, CFA
Imperial College London
Risk Management: A Review
The Research Foundation of CFA Institute Literature Review.
Intelligent Risk
A Stress Testing Perspective
Insights on risk management to the global risk community
Michel Crouhy, Dan Galai, Robert Mark